Friday, October 5, 2012


I really wanted to do the vlog linkup today but well let's be honest.....I can't even figure out how to make my account so that everyone can reply to me! So, I didn't even attempt the vlog! But it's a cool idea, and maybe  I'll give it a whirl someday :)

Today there are a few things on my mind. One of them being relationships. Any type of relationship. Friendship, spouse, significant other, family. More than likely sometime in any of these types of relationships you face hard times. Whether it be, not keeping in touch, not communicating, an argument, or a loss. How do you get through these hard times? Do you have a support system? Do you talk about your feelings, do you BLOG about your feelings, do you keep them inside?  A lot of times, I let things go in fear of upsetting the other person or causing confrontation. I hate confrontation. I know that sometimes it's healthy....but I hate it. With this fear of confrontation I have, I end up getting walked on, and taken advantage of quite a bit. I tend not to stand up for myself, and will "take one for the team" in order to keep the peace with another. I'm trying to get over that, and start looking out for number one. I get hurt easily...what can I say, I'm an emotional girl : /   Most of the time I wish I wasn't.

I tend to hold people to a higher standard. I try to live my life by the Golden Rule. Simple as that. I treat others the way I want to be treated. So why is it that not everyone lives by that rule? To me, it's not a hard concept. I do tend to keep those I love on this high pedestal. So when they mess up, or hurt my feelings it hits me like a ton of bricks. Another fault, I have. When this happens, how do we forgive? how do we let it go? how do we move on? I try not to hold grudges in life. I don't think that's healthy. I know everyone deals with difficult situations differently. Some hold things inside until they explode....I don't think that's healthy either. Why do often hurt the ones we love the most?

Sometimes life gets in the way. Your busy, stressed, and running in every which way. Relationships of all kinds tend to get put to the back burner. But the moral of the story is, relationships with the ones you love are important, no matter what type. We need to be conscious of each others feelings. Let them know we're here, that they are loved, that they are cared about. When times get rough, life gets crazy, or you feel that everything is falling apart.....those are the times when you need to let these people know you're there the most! I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm NOT by any means. I don't always do the right thing. I'm sometimes not even aware that I do it. I need to work on that. I need to pay more attention, and relax! You never know what tomorrow will bring. When Drew was sick in the hospital, or on one of his many trips to the ER (poor baby) I know exactly who texted me, called me, even facebook messaged me, and I know exactly who didn't. Right, or wrong....I remember these things. What those hard times for us taught me is that....I should always take the time to slow down and take my friends feelings into account. You never know what the other person is going through. Now on fb when I see a friend post that their child is sick (no matter what age) hurt, or just having a bad day....I comment. I let them know I'm here. It may be so insignificant, but I know how those little things made me feel when I was sitting in the hospital for 6 days with my 6 week old baby.  So slow down, take a deep breath, and realize that whatever you say in a hard situation will be remembered. It may be good or bad....but it will be remembered. Let's all just be conscious of each others feelings and follow the Golden Rule! ok?  Alright, now that I've solved the worlds problems.....

Tomorrow is Cole's first preschool fieldtrip! We're going to the pumpkin farm and it's supposed to be 52 degrees! Yikes! Then Drew is getting his 6 month pictures taken. (I'm about 2 weeks behind, oops) Sunday we have a birthday party for the little guy I babysit, who happens to also be our neighbor. Hoping to have a relaxing, fun-filled weekend!  
                                                                 Enjoy it!
My babies playing last night! Drew was ready for bed, and not in the mood for picture taking! :)

1 comment:

  1. Well said. Sometimes actions speak louder than words. Its not always what was said or not said, but sometimes how people act or react can really impact you. I have dealt with a crazy situation lately with a friend and his actions got way out of hand and unfortunately showed me who he really was and although he was 'there' for us, he really wasn't in the end and started creating problems bigger than the first!

    Good subject... I could go on and on for days about this! Haha

    - Lisa
