Tuesday, February 12, 2013

29 going on 80!

Today I have a Drs appointment to address some swelling I have on the right side. By swelling I don't mean a little bump.....I mean my butt ( sorry), my thigh, my knee, and under my knee are HUGE constantly. This is all on my right side. Occassionally my right arm will swell too....and sometimes my ankle. Ive had an ultrasound for a blood clot, and I do NOT have one...so thank goodness for that .....but that still leaves the question of "why"  The right side, is probably twice the size of my left and its worst times. It's not always "bad" but it's always swollen. Some days are better than others...but always there.

A little back story on my 29 year old body, that is in the shape of an 80 year olds:

I have a curved spine, and uneven hips! The uneven hips can be put back in place with the chiropractor, but easily get out of whack again. But when they are out...it causes me to put all my weight on the right leg.....causing my right heel to hurt BAD since it's carrying everything around. I also believe this is where some of the knee swelling is coming from. Thats a lot of weight on one side. I hurt to be touched. My husband will just poke my arm, playing around and 15 mins later I can still feel where he touched. I'm in bad shape. I know the weight isn't helping.

I've recently started trying to do the treadmill at least 4 times a week. I'm not kidding when I tell you, IT. KILLS.ME It hurts so bad. I'm not talking a good hurt either. I can barely walk by the time I go to bed at night. And I feel it for 2 days after. But for a few weeks, even though I was hurting the next day....I kept doing it because I need the exercise. Well I think that was a bad move, because now my right side is bigger than it ever has been!

Hopefully today, I get some answers....and we can figure out how to stop this from happening, and start dropping some pounds! Holla! That's about all I have today....I'm a little nervous about this appointment.....so I'm sure I'll be updating tomorrow :)

BTW: I'm getting a Hubby Jack Blog Design in March, and I CAN'T WAIT!! :) All the cool kids are doing it!


  1. Good luck- let us know how it goes!

  2. I hope they an figure out what is going on! It sucks getting old, huh?

  3. Wow, looksike you are falling apart! I hope you get some answers soon!
