Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend Photo Dump!

My hubs woke up this morning at 5 am saying he has the flu! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I hate the flu! Seriously, give me ANYTHING....strep throat, sinus infection...whatev....just NOT. THE. FLU. Praying my kids, and myself don't get it!

Moving on, to that Weekend Recap you all look so forward to! :)

I pretty much did absolutely nothing this weekend, other than housework. My hubs worked his 24 hour shift on my parents kept my boys, and I went to the grocery store alone! It was amazing! lol.

Worked on valentines with Cole on saturday night.....

and then Drew decided I had too much time on my hands and thought he'd give me a little mess to clean up....

I guess spaghetti o's are better on the wall, and the floor! :)  (Sorry to those of you who follow me on instagram, and have already seen these pics) Sunday we went out to dinner with our neighbors/friends. Other than that, we didn't leave the house all day! Which to some would sound great, but to me....who works at home....on the weekends, I look forward to leaving the house!

To those of you who suggested I let Drew cry it out during the night......We finally started that last wednesday night...and he hasn't had a bottle during the night since then! So, thank you! We had one night where he cried for 40 mins! that was friday night....but since then he will wake up and fuss for maybe 15 mins but then back to sleep! I cannot tell you how much better it feels to actually get some sleep at night! He's doing great! Thank you for the advice!!

Doctors appointment for me tomorrow, to discuss why this weight isn't coming off this time around, and talk about some circulation/swelling problems I'm having. Yikes!

Hope everyone has a good monday!


  1. Ah I hate the flu too!! Hoping you and the boys are spared!

  2. Agh, this is the worst winter for the sickies. But I just saw where you are baking it up tonight, so that is a plus! :)
