Monday, August 5, 2013

Who are you? Part 3

Who are you ? Part 3

Describe 10 pet peeves you have

1. Grammar! When people misuse your, you', too, two......there, their, they're. I hate that!!! I know we are all human and I make mistakes too. But, please for all that is good and holy....please learn the difference between all these!!
2. Spelling. This drives me almost as nuts as grammar. In this day and age, there is no excuse for simple, everyday words to be spelled incorrectly. Spell check is everywhere. Use it people! I bet you'd never guess that I have a minor in English.
3. I know I'll be shunned from the blog world for this but the phrase "sorry not sorry" makes me a little nutty!!
4. I don't like the "fishing fb posts" things like "just so over it" to me that is fishing. You want people to ask you what's wrong, or what's going on......just post what you're over and save everyone the time.
5. Fingerprints drive me crazy! Fingerprints are everywhere in my house because I have a 4 year old,and a 1 year old. The little one paws up everything! Every window, every stand, the refrigerator, stove, dishwasher! Ahhh....seriously kid keep your hands to yourself! lol.
6. When my hubs is so kind to clean up the kitchen after dinner, he doesn't clean off the counter tops. To me, that is not CLEANING the kitchen up.....that's loading the dishwasher, lol
7. I can't park my tahoe without making sure the steering wheel is straight.
8. Socks and sandals. Enough said.
9. I hate that there are toys in every room of our house, even though our basement is the designated toy room.
10. Dishes in the sink!

Describe a typical day in your life

I wake up, get dressed, and do my makeup for the day. By the time I'm done with that Cole is up. I lay out his clothes for the day, he gets dressed, and brushes his teeth. Then Drew is up, and we do the same thing. we go downstairs and everyone eats breakfast. After that.....we usually run our errands for the day. Grocery store, bank, or whatever. After that, Drew is usually ready for a nap. While he takes a nap, Cole plays, and I clean up the house. When Drew wakes up....we go outside to play, go for a walk, go to the toy room in the basement and play....sometimes we do all 3. Depending on the day, sometimes we have play dates. If it's a day that my hubs comes home in the evening....we start getting dinner ready about that it's ready when he comes home at 6:15. After dinner, we all go outside or for a walk. Once a week we meet my hubs dad for dinner. If it's a day that my hubs doesn't come home.....the kids and I will sometimes go to my parents to visit in the evening, or meet one of my friends and her kids at the park. About 7:30 I give both boys a bath.....then they come back downstairs for a snack, and then at 9:00 they both go to bed. That's when I get my "me time" I watch, like I'm doing now.....or just relax.

What's the hardest part of growing up?

The hardest part about growing up for me was financial. Learning how to save money, learning to keep up with bills.....just being responsible with money. It's a huge responsibility. Some people are good with money, some people aren't. I am not good at saving. I wouldn't say I'm a big spender but  I've never been disciplined enough to put money back. My hubs is putting money in our savings all the time.....thank goodness....because I'm a bad saver, lol I don't go on spending sprees or anything like that....just never been good at saving money. I think I blame my parents for this, lol. They are wealthy, and have always been excellent with money. Growing up (high school) I worked from the time I was 16....but I was never in control of my own money. My parents took my paychecks each week and paid what bills I had for me. I hated that....but that's the way it was in my house. Didn't really teach me anything, lol

5 Weaknesses I have:
1. I'm a pushover
2. I have a hard time sticking to things. No matter what they are. Weightloss, blogging, eating right, etc. I do it for a while, then stop. then start again
3. I don't treat myself with the respect I deserve
4. I let others get the best of me
5. I have a hard time leaving my kids for any amount of time

5 Strengths I have
1. I'm a good mom
2. I'm a lover, not a fighter lol
3. I like to think I have a big heart. I would help a total stranger if they needed it
4. I feel that I am easy to talk to
5. I put others before myself

Describe when you knew your spouse was the one, or when you fell in love

I wouldn't say it was love at first sight.....but I knew there was something about my hubs the first night I met him. I told my mom the next day that I was going to marry him, and her exact words were "you may date him, but you won't marry him' this was before she had met him, and she said this because of our age difference. (8.5 years ) We had been dating 3 months before he said the "L" word. But, I had been thinking it before that. I loved that he didn't play games.There were no, I'll call you...then not calling. He treated me like I deserved to be treated from the very beginning,. He wanted to spend time with me.....and that was all new to me. His sense of humor was a big factor, in me falling in love. He always made me laugh, and he still does. He is the most loving man I've ever met....he's an excellent dad, and husband. He always puts us first. Just the simple fact, that I believed what he told me when we were dating, was huge for me. It was a whole new world. I always tell him he saved my life. He really did. He changed me. I had terrible luck with BOYS before him! :)

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