I've mentioned before that I did go to college, and yes I graduated....and yet I still work in my basement. Well, that's by choice :) Anyway, I have never mentioned what my degree is in. I have a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies with a concentration in Family Life Education. Basically what all that means, is that I could be similar to a social worker....but without the LSW which limits the possibilities for many jobs (prob why I work in the basement) I could also work in the schools, which is the direction I had planned on going. I can teach parenting classes, family life classes, stuff like that. I also have a minor in English. The first 2 years I took all the classes necessary to be an English teacher. What was I thinking?? I couldn't take any more literature classes or I was going to poke my eyes out!! I couldn't do it anymore. I had already taken enough classes to make it a minor, so I did.
You're probably wondering....if you didn't like literature, why in the world were you going to be an English teacher? Good question. I love other parts of English. Weird huh? I love to write stories, I love to read, I love to pick apart other peoples uses of common words! I enjoy commas very much as well! I'm a huge dork when it comes to this stuff! Which is funny, because I know my blogs are usually very poorly written. Mistakes everywhere, sentences that make no sense, spelling errors, etc. Anyway...do as I say, not as I do, right?
This brings me to my title today. Pet Peeves!!! After just glancing at Facebook this morning, I saw so many things I just wanted to slap people for!! Yes, I have a problem!! Ok, lets practice:
To: Ex: I am going TO the store.
Too: Ex: You can come TOO
Two: Ex. I have TWO sons
See what I did there? TOO means also people!!! Come on!!!
Their: That book is THEIRS
There: Lets go over THERE
They're: THEY'RE: coming with us
Ohh this is just the tip of the iceberg for me!!
I really hate this kinda thing: I seen you at the store. Really?? You seen me? What part of that sounds remotely intelligent?? You didn't seen me....you saw me! AHHH I cannot stand that!!! People should really read things back to themselves before posting! good grief! Here is another of my faves " We was just there yesterday" Aaaahhhhh!!!! Listen to that sentence! That cannot sound right to them.....can it?
Not only do I enjoy being the grammar police, spelling drives me nuts as well!! Common mispelled words I see are.....having, bought, awesome. This is what shows up on my newsfeed: haveing,baught, awsome. These are just a few!! I could go on! I won't even get into words being used in the wrong context! Well, I lied. I do have to give you one example because to me, it's a real gem. "Never take your friends for granite" oh really? like the countertop? that's just
If you aren't seeing all these mistakes and more on your facebook newsfeed......I believe I need to look into getting some new friends! Apparently mine missed english/grammar class A LOT! That reminds me....A LOT is two words people! I just can't stop! It's a disease.
Ok, now go ahead. Find every mistake I've ever made when writing this blog. I've earned it. GO!
Yes, I'm very much aware that I need to get a life!