Friday, February 8, 2013

A Little Bit of Everything!

It must be a holiday or something.......DREW SLEPT ALL NIGHT LAST NIGHT! The first time in 10 months I haven't fed this kid a bottle, or 3! I'm super excited. I just hope it sticks!!! I will be the worlds happiest mom EVER if I get to actually sleep the whole night again! I won't know what to do with myself! The hubs and I always joke that our kids hate us, because of their sleep habits! :) 

Sometimes I feel like my kids have a conspiracy against me ! :) But I wouldn't change a being a Mom!

Ok now for a not so sappy statement:
Did you see that Honey Booboo's mom (AKA JUNE, MAMA) lost 115 pounds!!!! WTH?!?!? I can't lose more than 3 pounds but MAMA can lose 115? That is just NOT.EVEN.RIGHT.

I'm behind on watching the new season. I don't DVR it anymore....and I don't know what night it's these days if I happen to see it on, I watch....if not...I don't get to see it! I can't help it, I like this show. It disgusts me....but I watch it. lol

I jinxed myself this morning by saying I was going to have an "easy day"  it has been everything but easy! I've been busy today! Which is why it's like 5 hours past when I usually blog! But, it's Friday, so it's all good!

My little Drew turns 1 on St. Patrick's Day!! So of course he's having a St. Patrick's Day themed party!! So today he had a photo shoot for his invitations! I have to share one of my faves!

I seriously had to take 32 pictures to get a half way decent one of him with the hat on! That boy can whip a hat right off his head in a split second! I edited this one on the real thing is not this blurry....but I got the invitation done, and I did accomplish SOMETHING today!!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm not an expert, but I would love to help you figure out how to start dropping pounds if you'd like! Just let me know girlfran!

    Also, my oldest didn't sleep through the night until he was 2. not even kidding.

  2. Yay for getting some sleep!! Maybe it'll happen again tonight ;)
