Monday, October 22, 2012

Blogging Addiction!

My name is Kristen, and I believe I have a blogging addiction! This past friday was the first weekday that I haven't blogged since I started my blog 2 months ago! It was on my mind all day...but I only had one extra kiddo to watch that day, so we just stayed upstairs in the house, and didn't come down to the daycare. Which was wonderful! I got a lot done! Cleaned a little, cleaned out both kids closets, and didn't feel as bogged down with things to do this weekend! it was sooooo nice! Friday evening...I did sit down and read all the blogs I follow..I couldn't take it anymore! But, I didn't write.

I haven't had much to say lately. In a weight-loss rut, and in a "coming up with interesting stuff to say" rut. I am however reading more and more and more blogs, until I'm having trouble getting my work done!
This weekend we FINALLY got Cole a Halloween costume! If you have looked at my blog AT ALL you'll see that my hubs is a firefighter. Well this is the costume Cole picked out.....
Uh oh! you're right that is NOT a firefighter! "I just be a police-man Daddy, it's ok" Cole doesn't say policeman...he makes it two words....pretty cute! Daddy almost shed a tear right there in Target! not really. In fact, Daddy wants to be a policeman part time and a FF full time! Yeah, like he needs another job....and I'm totally against him becoming a cop. For many reasons! That could be a whole post in itself! He did say to Cole however, "you're breaking daddy's heart" but he was joking....I think.

Drew graduated to 18 months clothes! He's 7 months old! Big boy! He barrel rolls all around and gets up on his hands and knees. He looks like he's going to crawl, and we all cheer, and squeal....then he drops like a ton of bricks, and rolls! I think he's messing with us! He is detroying everything in his path these days. His favorite thing to do is to knock down all my picture frames on the shelf of the tv stand. Usually one time is not good enough. It's usually 3 or 4 times! :)
Hey, it makes him happy....and gives me a chance to wash bottles in peace, or pack lunches! I'm not sad about the fact that he wants to be more independant!!

And, remember how I said I didn't come down to my daycare friday? It wasn't planned. I actually found out about 10pm on Thursday that I was only going to have one kiddo. So I wasn't prepared to not come back down to the daycare for the rest of the weekend. But, I didn't think about that then.....and this is what I came down to at 6:30am this morning.....

Yep. Disgusting, gross, yuck! There were 5 bags total in case you were wondering. So after multiple trips up to the garage to throw trash away...I think the smell is gone! Yikes!
Happy Monday Kids!


  1. Well I don't know if its ironic or not, but my hubs works for the sheriffs department (sort of a cop) and peyton is going to be a firefighter for Halloween. Lol!!!

  2. LoL that is a little ironic! :) I'm sure Peyton will be a cute little firefighter!
